API Reference

How to implement the questionnaire

How to implement the questionnaire

In order to implement the questionnaire you'll need to know the relationship between the question and the variable name.

Answers then can be

  • text: for multiple choices, each answer is in sequence type1, type2, etc
  • integer: for foundernumber or employeesnumber
  • other: for industry and country

Here the json file connecting language and variables

	"reasonforvaluation": {
		"label": "What is the purpose of your valuation?",
		"type1": "Fundraising or investment",
		"type2": "Selling all or part of the company",
		"type3": "Internal planning and budgeting",
		"type4": "Investors or Stakeholders reporting",
		"type5": "Tax reporting and compliance",
		"type6": "Advisory or other consulting purposes",
		"type7": "Other"
	"valuationparty": {
		"label": "What is your relationship with the company being valued?",
		"type1": "Founder",
		"type2": "Employee from the finance/administration department",
		"type3": "Employee from another department",
		"type4": "External consultant and/or advisor",
		"type5": "Current shareholder with no operating role",
		"type6": "Interested investor/buyer",
		"type7": "Other"
	"foundersnumber": "How many <strong>founders</strong> does the company have?",
	"employeesnumber": "How many employees work for the company? (excluding founders, interns and freelancers)",
	"yearsexperience": "How many years of relevant industry experience does the <strong>core team</strong> have collectively?",
	"founderscommitment": {
		"label": "Is the majority of the founders involved in other companies or occupations?",
		"type1": "Yes, we see the company as a side project to our current occupation",
		"type2": "Yes, but we are committed part time on a continuous basis",
		"type3": "Yes, but we are committed part time on a continuous basis and plan to commit full time once the organizational structure of the company is fully operational",
		"type4": "No, we are committed full time "
	"businessex": {
		"label": "Does any member of the <strong>core team</strong> have business and managerial background?",
		"type1": "No",
		"type2": "At least one of us has accomplished business-related studies",
		"type3": "At least one of us has work experience ",
		"type4": "At least one of us has been employed as mid-level manager (e.g. Product manager, Sales manager)",
		"type5": "At least one of us has been employed as a top-tier manager (VP and above positions) or has held a similar position in his or her own company which had more than 50 employees"
	"knowbefore": {
		"label": "How long have the members of the <strong>core team</strong> worked (or studied) together?",
		"type1": "Less than 1 year",
		"type2": "Between 1 and 2 years",
		"type3": "Between 3 and 5 years",
		"type4": "More than 5 years"
	"entrage": {
		"label": "What is the average age of the founders?",
		"type1": "<25",
		"type2": "25-34",
		"type3": "35-45",
		"type4": ">45"
	"previousstartup": {
		"label": "Has any of the founders previous entrepreneurial experience?",
		"type1": "This is the first entrepreneurial experience for all of us ",
		"type2": "Yes, at least one of us previously founded a company",
		"type3": "Yes, and at least one of us successfully sold a company"
	"capitalinvested": "How much did the <strong>founders</strong> invest in the company in <b>terms of capital</b> collectively so far?",
	"scalability": "Is the business <strong>scalable</strong>?",
	"sellingapproach": {
		"label": "The company\"s main business model is:",
		"type1": "<b>B2C</b> (Business to Customers)",
		"type2": "<b>B2B</b> (Business to Business)"
	"devstage": {
		"label": "Which stage of development are you facing now?",
		"type1": "<b>Idea stage</b>:  working on business plan and testing the initial problem-solution assumptions",
		"type2": "<b>Development stage</b>: working on the product and setting up operations",
		"type3": "<b>Startup stage</b>:  already active with revenues up to",
		"type4": "<b>Expansion stage</b>:  already active with revenues above and looking to scale up the operations",
    	"type5": "<b>Growth stage</b>: already active, sizable business with robust, proven, and repeatable growth",
    	"type6": "<b>Maturity stage</b> already active, profitable business with predictable growth aligned with industry"
	"profitability": {
		"label": "Is the company sustainably breakeven?",
		"type1": "Yes",
		"type2": "No"
	"investors": {
		"label": "Indicate which, if any, of the following entities are a shareholder of the company ",
		"type1": "Friends and Family",
		"type2": "Crowdfunding",
		"type3": "Incubator / accelerator",
		"type4": "Business angel",
		"type5": "Venture Capitalist"
	"boardpresence": {
		"label": "Does the company have a board of advisors?",
		"type1": "Yes",
		"type2": "We can count on external advisors but they are not organized in a board yet",
		"type3": "No"
	"external_advisors": "How many are the advisors?",
	"loyaltydegree": {
		"label": "How would you define the degree of loyalty of your customers?",
		"type1": "Still to be tested or under testing",
		"type2": "Low retention: the business model requires time to develop higher retention",
		"type3": "Average retention: already at good level and can be further improved",
		"type4": "High retention: high level of loyalty already developed with customers"
	"companyexit": {
		"label": "Does the company offer valuable exit strategies to investors?",
		"type1": "We did not think about exit strategies so far",
		"type2": "We considered some exit opportunities",
		"type3": "We have multiple exit opportunities",
		"type4": "Companies active in the market have already demonstrated interest in buying us",
		"type5": "Big companies demonstrated strong interest and willingness to commit to the acquisition"
	"feedbacktrend": {
		"label": "How is the average trend of feedback received so far from early adopters/industry experts?",
		"type1": "Mainly negative",
		"type2": "Fairly negative",
		"type3": "Fairly positive",
		"type4": "Mainly positive",
		"type5": "All positive"
	"country": "In which country is the company based?",
	"industry": {
		"label": "First select your macro sector, then your specific industry.<br/><small>You can also search for your industry in the macro sector search field. The right macro sector will then appear.</small>",
		"industry": "Industry"
	"demandvalidation": {
		"label": "Has the demand for the proposed product/service been tested?",
		"type1": "No, we are still under testing stage",
		"type2": "Yes, the demand has been validated by our main competitors",
		"type3": "Yes, the demand has been extensively tested and validated"
	"industrycompetition": {
		"label": "How would you define the level of competition in your targeted market?",
		"type1": "Dominated by single player",
		"type2": "Dominated by several players",
		"type3": "Many small players",
		"type4": "Some small players",
		"type5": "Blue ocean (negligible competition)"
	"competitiveproducts1": {
		"label": "Existing competitive products/services are:",
		"type1": "Excellent",
		"type2": "Good",
		"type3": "Weak"
	"competitiveproducts2": {
		"label": "How would you define your product compared to the ones of existing competitors?",
		"type1": "Comparable",
		"type2": "Comparable, but we innovate in terms of marketing proposition/USP",
		"type3": "Comparable, but radically innovate in terms of execution (e.g. costs, manufacturing, etc.) ",
		"type4": "Current products solve the same needs with a non comparable solution"
	"entrybarriers": {
		"label": "How high are the <strong>barriers to entry</strong> of the market the company is targeting for potential competitors?",
		"type1": "Very low",
		"type2": "Low",
		"type3": "Modest",
		"type4": "High",
		"type5": "Very high"
	"rollout": {
		"label": "How would you define the stage of the product/service roll-out?",
		"type1": "Planning:  the roll-out process has still to begin",
		"type2": "Prototype: we have the first version of the product (alpha or beta) for testing/display purposes, but it\"s not ready for the market",
		"type3": "MVP: We have a minimum viable product (with just enough features to satisfy early customers) released on the market ",
		"type4": "Market: the complete version of the product is offered to the market"
	"relateintcomp": {
		"label": "How do you relate to international competition?",
		"type1": "Competition abroad is already established",
		"type2": "Competition abroad is growing but foreign markets are still smaller than the one in our country",
		"type3": "Competition abroad is not yet developed"
	"internationalex": {
		"label": "Do you plan international expansion?",
		"type1": "We are a locally based business: international expansion is not an option for us",
		"type2": "International expansion entails big challenges for us",
		"type3": "We are considering internationalization but our focus now is on the local market",
		"type4": "We already have a plan for international expansion",
		"type5": "Our main strategic focus is already global"
	"legalcomp": "Has a legal entity been incorporated?",
	"constyear": "Year of incorporation",
	"ippatent": {
		"label": "How would you define the current stage of development of your IP?",
		"type1": "Not applicable",
		"type2": "IP pending for approval",
		"type3": "IP protection secured at regional level",
		"type4": "IP protection secured at global level"
	"iptype": {
		"label": "Which kind of Intellectual Property (IP) applies to the product/service?",
		"type1": "Trademark and/or domain names",
		"type3": "Patent (excluding US provisional patent)",
		"type2": "Copyright",
		"type4": "Other",
    	"type5": "None
	"legalconsultants": "Can the company and its founders already count on the support of external legal consultants?",
	"reasonforvalonboarding": {
		"label": "The purpose of my valuation is:",
		"type1": "Fundraising",
		"type2": "Selling the company",
		"type3": "Selling part of the shares",
		"type4": "Planning and strategy",
		"type5": "Shareholders reporting",
		"type6": "Tax reporting and compliance",
		"type7": "Other"
	"tam": "What is the current size of your <strong>Total Addressable Market (TAM)</strong>, in monetary terms?",
	"tamgrowth": "What is the annual growth rate of this market?",
	"techskills": {
		"label": "Does the <strong>core team</strong> have all the main technical skills? (e.g. web development for online services)",
		"type1": "No",
		"type2": "No, but we outsource all of them ",
		"type3": "We have some of the technical capabilities and outsource the rest",
		"type4": "We have the majority of the technical capabilities and outsource the rest",
		"type5": "Yes"
	"partners": {
		"label": "How strong are the relationships with key strategic partners (including distributors, suppliers)?",
		"type1": "No partners contacted so far",
		"type2": "We identified and contacted them",
		"type3": "Informal agreements already in place",
		"type4": "Contracts signed",
		"type5": "Contracts signed and serving high volumes"
	"startedyear": "When was the company started?",
	"industrytrbc": {
		"label": "Industry",
		"helper": "Use the search feature to find the industry category that best describes your business, or browse through all of them by clicking on the green arrow. These categories come from the commonly used Thomson Reuters Business Classification (TRBC)."
  "reasonforvalonboarding": {
    "label": "The purpose of my valuation is:",
    "type1": "Fundraising",
    "type2": "Selling the company",
    "type3": "Selling part of the shares",
    "type4": "Planning and strategy",
    "type5": "Shareholders reporting",
    "type6": "Tax reporting and compliance",
    "type7": "Other"
  "valuationparty": {
    "label": "What is your relationship with the company being valued?",
    "type1": "Founder",
    "type2": "Employee from the finance/administration department",
    "type3": "Employee from another department",
    "type4": "External consultant and/or advisor",
    "type5": "Current shareholder with no operating role",
    "type6": "Interested investor/buyer",
    "type7": "Other"
	"onblockchain": "Is the equity of the company traded on a blockchain?",
	"blockchaintype": {
		"label": "Which of the following most closely resembles how you view the company organisation and product:",
		"type1": "the company is a startup of which the shares are digitalised and traded on a blockchain",
		"type2": "the company can be seen as a digital currency",
		"type3": "the company is a DAO",
		"type4": "Other (please let us know in chat)"


The industry selector is quite extensive. To retrieve the list of industries and the language, please refer to the GET endpoint Industries in the Swagger documentation


The list of countries is not provided as an endpoint but as a fixed file, give the changes are seldom, here is the Equidam list of countries:

## Country.
al: "Albania"  
ar: "Argentina"  
aw: "Aruba"  
au: "Australia"  
at: "Austria"  
bs: "Bahamas"  
bh: "Bahrain"  
bb: "Barbados"  
be: "Belgium"  
bm: "Bermuda"  
bo: "Bolivia"  
ba: "Bosnia and Herzegovina"  
br: "Brazil"  
bg: "Bulgaria"
bf: "Burkina Faso"  
ca: "Canada"  
ky: "Cayman Islands"  
cl: "Chile"  
cn: "China"  
co: "Colombia" 
cr: "Costa Rica"  
hr: "Croatia"  
cy: "Cyprus"  
cz: "Czech Republic"  
dk: "Denmark"  
do: "Dominican Republic"  
ec: "Ecuador"  
eg: "Egypt"  
ee: "Estonia"  
fi: "Finland"  
fr: "France"  
de: "Germany"  
gi: "Gibraltar"  
gr: "Greece"  
hk: "Hong Kong"  
hu: "Hungary"  
is: "Iceland"  
in: "India"  
id: "Indonesia"  
ie: "Ireland"  
im: "Isle of Man"  
il: "Israel"  
it: "Italy"
ci: "Ivory Coast"  
jm: "Jamaica"
jo: "Jordan"  
jp: "Japan"
ke: "Kenya"
kr: "Korea, Republic of"  
kw: "Kuwait"  
lv: "Latvia"  
li: "Liechtenstein"  
lt: "Lithuania"  
lu: "Luxembourg"  
my: "Malaysia"  
mt: "Malta"  
mu: "Mauritius"  
mx: "Mexico"  
nl: "The Netherlands"  
nz: "New Zealand"  
ng: "Nigeria"  
no: "Norway"  
pa: "Panama"  
py: "Paraguay"  
pe: "Peru"  
ph: "Philippines"  
pl: "Poland"  
pt: "Portugal"  
qa: "Qatar"  
ro: "Romania"  
ru: "Russia"  
sa: "Saudi Arabia"
sn: "Senegal"  
rs: "Serbia"  
sg: "Singapore"  
sk: "Slovakia"  
si: "Slovenia"  
za: "South Africa"  
es: "Spain"  
se: "Sweden"  
ch: "Switzerland"  
tw: "Taiwan"  
tt: "Trinidad and Tobago"  
tn: "Tunisia"  
tr: "Turkey"  
ua: "Ukraine"  
ae: "United Arab Emirates"  
gb: "United Kingdom"  
us: "United States"  
uy: "Uruguay"